We went to Liverpool with college today, and visited the Tate gallery. I did a few drawings of some of the work because you are not allowed to take pictures, however my art skills are petty. Some of the work was really interesting, I saw the Lobster phone there which I think Salvador Dali and Elsa Schiaparelli created, which links to Elsa's Lobster dress. I also saw Piet Mondrian's 'Composition B with Red', which has inspired clothing with it's bold, geometric shapes and design.
Lobster Phone, taken from www.wornthrough.com |
Piet Mondrian's 'Composition B with Red' Taken from www.tate.org.uk
My favourite part of the gallery would have to be the 'Sculpture remixed' section, because I felt as though I had stepped into the past, it was amazing! We had headphones that played old school disco and funk music, and there was a colourfully lit dance-floor, it made me think about what life would have been like in the past, and how different life is now in comparison.
Pieces of art I found particularly interesting was Tracey Emin's 'Is Anal Sex Legal' and 'Is Legal Sex Anal' (1998) because it was unique and shocking, and Eva Kotatkova's 'Stories from the living room' (2010) which was strange, it really makes you think, it was an empty large coat, with a walking stick and magazine in the pocket, and there were multiple children's feet/legs where the adults should have been. I think that it refers to how our Grandparents often tell us stories of their childhood, and how this will no doubt be what the child will do when they become older. However I may have misinterpreted it.
'Is anal sex legal' Tracey Emin 1998 Taken from www.tate.org.uk |
'Is legal sex anal' Tracey Emin 1998 Taken from www.tate.org.uk |
I really enjoyed our trip out to the Tate, I find art galleries fascinating, and allows us to see the world in a new light, so to speak.
Also on our trip to Liverpool we had to do some 'market research', we took pictures of people that had an interesting fashion sense, I'll be honest, I didn't like the idea of asking strangers if I could take their picture, but after a lot of putting it off, I managed to get a few pictures..
Vivien Ravenscroft, I Love her look, it's quirky, Gothic and unique. |
Rhyian Whittaker, I Love his look as well, it's edgy in a cool, laid-back sort of way, very stylish. |
Okay so I cheated on a few on took pictures of my friends, but it still counts right?
I Like how his shoes are colour co-ordinated with his scarf. I think his whole look works really well. |
My first 'Victim' :P Her look is classy, with a bit of a twist. She told me that she chose her outfit as a way of embracing the last few days of 'Summer'.
These two have an alternative, yet feminine look going on. I think that the black dress the red haired one is wearing is cute.
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