I have been out and bought the final fabric for my garment, however I wasn't sure if the colours would clash or be too intense. I also wasn't sure how to hide the raw edges whilst keeping the volume and desired effect.
Feature for my bodice |
Above I have created a quick sample of the feature for my bodice so I can see if the colours work well together. I feel that, although these colours are very intense, they will work as it tie's in well with my theme, and I will be using black for the majority of my garment.
Experimentation one |
Above is an example of the sampling of my bodice, I sewed the material together inside out to hide the raw edges. I don't like this technique as I feel it takes away the volume and ruin's my desired effect.
Experimentation two |
Above is another example of the sampling of my bodice. To create this effect, I have sewn two different pieces of fabric together so that the raw edges are concealed, yet it does not take away from the volume. I personally prefer this effect and think I will use it for my final garment.
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